A simple guide to authorization

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In this article we’ll look at how to create an effective authorization system. This is only a high level overview, but it’s a good starting point if you’re interested in this topic. It is also part of the overarching “How to make a Content Gateway” article series.

I’ve worked at many places and there is one problem that often comes up, but it is usually not a primary concern: authorization. According to the latest OWASP Top 10 broken access control is the most common problem.

Unfortunately on most platforms there are no good libraries that try to tackle this problem, and even if there are solutions for it, they are usually not centralized and using them will litter your codebase with this cross-cutting concern:

public void create(Contact contact);

What happens if I have more complex criteria? How can I encode it properly? What if I want to write custom code? What happens in practice is that this is usually a part of the business logic. In this article we’ll explore how it can be done in a better way.

Authorization Models

A common misconception about authorization is that it is a synonym of authentication, but this is not the case. Authentication is the process of verifying a user’s identity and credentials. Authorization is the process of verifying that the user has the right to perform a certain action. What usually happens is that we first authenticate the user, and when we know their identity, we can authorize them.

With this out of the way let’s take a look at what authorization models are there.

Access Control List

This is the simplest possible authorization model you can use. It is just a list of users who are authorized to do… well, everything. Example:

A bouncer in an exclusive club. They have a list of people they are allowed to let in, and that’s it.

Role Based Access Control

This is a little more fine grained than the ACL. Here every user has a role and what they can do is based on that role. For example the java code example above was an implementation of the RBAC model. With RBAC you can have roles like ["ADMIN", "USER"] and so on, and then you can annotate your code with things like @PreAuthorize. Pretty simple.

What you can add on top is to bind roles to permissions. For example you can have something like this:

    "roles": {
        "admin": {
            "permissions": [
        "user": {
            "permissions": [
        "anonymous": {
            "permissions": ["view_bounties", "view_bounty"]

The problem with RBAC is that it doesn’t allow for fine-grained access control. We’ll see soon how this can become a problem. An example of RBAC would be:

A bouncer in an exclusive club who gives out wristbands based on what he has on his list. Then:

  • If you have a red wristband you can drink in the club
  • If you have an orange one you can play roulette

Note that you usually get one wristband, not multiple, but I’m trying to keep it simple.

Policy Based Access Control

Let’s say that we want to allow everybody to view our bounties, but we only want to allow admins to view all of them. Regular users should only be able to see published ones. How can we do that? Enter policies.

A policy is something that controls access to a function based on some attribute. For example you only want to allow users to delete their own bounties, but for admins you want to enable deleting for all. This is something that you can’t properly encode with just a list of permissions.

Note that in the example below where there are no policies assume that there is the default ["allow_for_all"] policy. This is important, because it is better to disable everything and selectively enable them back (whitelisting) instead of forbidding things (blacklist). Using blacklists is one of the biggest security issues that you can create for yourself.

    "roles": {
        "admin": {
            "permissions": [
                { "name": "view_bounties" },
                { "name": "view_bounty" },
                { "name": "create_bounty" },
                { "name": "delete_bounty" }
        "user": {
            "permissions": [
                    "name": "view_bounties",
                    "policies": ["allow_for_published"]
                { "name": "view_bounty", "policies": ["allow_for_published"] },
                { "name": "create_bounty" },
                { "name": "delete_bounty", "policies": ["allow_for_owner"] }
        "anonymous": {
            "permissions": [
                    "name": "view_bounties",
                    "policies": ["allow_for_published"]
                { "name": "view_bounty", "policies": ["allow_for_published"] }

With a model like this you can fine-tune what to allow and when and you can attach functions to policies.

An example for this is when your bouncer in the exclusive club gives you the wristband, but they won’t serve you in the bar if you’re under 21.

Risk Adaptive-Based Access Control (RAdAC)

This model is similar to PBAC but it also takes the context into account. For example the bouncer in the exclusive club would give you the red wristband, you’re over 21, but you are not vaccinated so they won’t let you in.

A Possible Solution

Now that we know what authorization models are out there, let’s see how we can implement one.

I’m going to use Typescript for the examples. Some parts of the code are omitted for brevity. You can check the full code here if you’re interested.

What most guides suggest to do is to have some authorization object that one can use to check if a certain operation can be executed or not:

if (!auth.can(user, Operations.CREATE_BOUNTY, context)) {
    throw new AuthorizationError("Can't do this, sorry");

While this might look like a good idea I don’t think it is the best way to do it. My first issue with this is that the business logic knows about the authorization. It no longer adheres to the Single-responsibility Principle and if the authorization logic changes, the business logic will need to be updated.

Another problem with this is that it is easy to forget to check the authorization leading to the most common security mistake (Broken Access Control).

Let’s see how we can codify this. First, we’re going to create a type that represents an operation (without authorization):

Note that I’m using fp-ts here, which is a library that helps with type-safe functional programming. Fore those who are not familiar with it: a Task is a function that returns a Promise, so it represents an asynchronous operation that can fail. An Either is an object that either contains a value or an error. This means that a TaskEither represents an asynchronous operation that can’t fail (won’t throw an exception).

import { ProgramError } from "@shared/util-dto";
import * as TE from "fp-ts/lib/TaskEither";

export type Operation<I, O> = (input: I) => TE.TaskEither<AuthorizationError, O>;

Each operation takes an arbitrary input and produces a TaskEither (an asynchronous operation that can’t fail). Here the type parameters I and O represent the input and the output.

An example of one such opearation is finding a Todo:

export const findTodo = (id: number) => {
    const todo = todos[id];
    if (todo) {
        return TE.right(todo);
    } else {
        return TE.left(new TodoNotFoundError(id));

As you can see there is no authorization information in this operation, but we need a way to represent an Operation that is authorized and can be safely called:

export interface AuthorizedOperationBrand {
    readonly _: unique symbol;

export type AuthorizedOperation<I, O> = (
    input: TE.TaskEither<AuthorizationError, Context<I>>
) => TE.TaskEither<AuthorizationError, Context<O>> & AuthorizedOperationBrand;

Here we create a branded type. This means that an AuthorizedOperation will need a smart constructor and we can’t just cast an Operation to an AuthorizedOperation.

Thiss type also represents a function, but instead of taking I, it takes a TaskEither that has a Context of I. We’ll see soon why this is the case. As for the Context, it represents the context of the operation (this was mentioned in the RAdAC model above):

export interface Context<I> {
    user: AnyUser;
    data: I;

Right now we want to keep it simple, so a Context only has the data (this will be the input of the Operation) and a user.

User in our case is an entity, that has an id, a name and some roles:

export interface User<ID extends number | string> {
    id: ID;
    name: string;
    roles: string[];

export type AnyUser = User<any>;

For simplicity we only have the names of the roles stored in an array.

Now let’s talk a bit about how an actual Role looks like:

export interface Role {
    name: string;
    permissions: AnyPermission[];

It is an object that has a name, and a list of Permissions:

export interface Permission<I, O> {
    name: string;
    operation: Operation<I, O>;
    policies: Policy<I>[];
    filters?: Filter<O>[];

export type AnyPermission = Permission<any, any>;

This should be familiar from the PBAC model, but we have a twist: Policy objects check the context of the operation:

export type Policy<I> = (
    context: Context<I>
) => TE.TaskEither<AuthorizationError, Context<I>>;

They can make a decision based on what’s visible from the input and prevent the operation form being executed in the first place.

Filters on the other hand:

export type Filter<O> = (
    context: Context<O>
) => TE.TaskEither<AuthorizationError, Context<O>>;

operate on the output of the operation. Both policies and filters can return an AuthorizationError in case something is not allowed.

We also include the Operation that’s bound to the Permission.

Authorizing an Operation

Now that we have most of the pieces in place let’s see how the actual authorization can be performed. For this we’re going to need an object that contains the authorization data:

export interface Authorization {
    roles: {
        [key: string]: Role;

For simplicity’s sake every Permission must belong in a Role and the Authorization object itself is just a mapping between the role names and the Role objects. The authorize operation:

export const authorize = <I, O>(
    operation: Operation<I, O>,
    authorization: Authorization
): AuthorizedOperation<I, O>

The source code for this function is omitted for brevity. You can check it out here

then can take an Operation and this Authorization object and it will produce an AuthorizedOperation that can be called.

What’s important to note here is that once you have an AuthorizedOperation you can call it wherever you want, there are no additional steps that you have to make.

Authorizing our Operations

Now let’s see an actual working example! We’re going to write a very simple Todo app that allows listing, viewing, completing and deleting Todos. The Todo looks like this:

import * as O from "fp-ts/Option";
import { Entity } from "../Entity";

export interface Todo extends Entity<number> {
    id: number;
    description: O.Option<string>;
    completed: O.Option<boolean>;
    published: O.Option<boolean>;

Note that Option here is a wrapper object (just like Either). It represents a value (called some) or nothing (called none). We’ll see why this is important in a bit.

We haven’t seen Entity before, it is just an object that has an owner:

export interface Entity<ID extends number | string> {
    owner: User<ID>;

In our application we’re going to have 3 different roles:

export const roles = {
    anonymous: "anonymous",
    user: "user",
    admin: "admin",
} as const;

These are the names we’ll use when we defien the Roles. Before we do that let’s see how the operations look like:

import * as O from "fp-ts/Option";
import * as TE from "fp-ts/TaskEither";
import { TodoNotFoundError } from "./errors";
import { todos } from "./fixtures";
import { Todo } from "./Todo";

export const findAllTodos = () => {
    return TE.right(Object.values(todos));

export const findTodo = (id: number) => {
    const todo = todos[id];
    if (todo) {
        return TE.right(todo);
    } else {
        return TE.left(new TodoNotFoundError(id));

export const completeTodo = (input: Todo) => {
    input.completed = O.some(true);
    return TE.right(input);

export const deleteTodo = (input: Todo) => {
    input.completed = O.some(true);
    return TE.right(undefined);

todos is just an object that holds our Todos mapped to their ids:

import * as O from "fp-ts/Option";
import { Todo } from "./Todo";

type TodoMap = {
    [key: number]: Todo;

export const todos: TodoMap = {
    1: {
        id: 1,
        owner: userJohn,
        description: O.some("Learn TypeScript"),
        completed: O.some(true),
        published: O.some(true),
    2: {
        id: 2,
        owner: userJane,
        description: O.some("Learn fp-ts"),
        completed: O.some(false),
        published: O.some(false),
    3: {
        id: 3,
        owner: adminBob,
        description: O.some("Create a typeclass"),
        completed: O.some(false),
        published: O.some(true),
    4: {
        id: 4,
        owner: userJohn,
        description: O.some("Go to sleep"),
        completed: O.some(true),
        published: O.some(false),

We’re also going to need some User objects to have a complete example:

import { User } from "../User";
import { roles } from "./roles";

export const anonUser: User<number> = {
    id: 1,
    name: "anonymous",
    roles: [roles.anonymous],

export const userJohn: User<number> = {
    id: 2,
    name: "John Doe",
    roles: [roles.user],

export const userJane: User<number> = {
    id: 3,
    name: "Jane Doe",
    roles: [roles.user],

export const adminBob: User<number> = {
    id: 4,
    name: "Bob Doe",
    roles: [roles.admin],

What’s important to not here is that we also have an anonUser. This object is used when somebody tries to execute operations who is not authenticated yet. We could have used ifs for this, but it is just simpler to make it explicit and have a separate User object that explicitly contains what the anonymous user can do.

Now we’re ready to define the Authorization object:

export const authorization: Authorization = {
    roles: {
        [roles.anonymous]: {
            name: roles.anonymous,
            permissions: anonymousPermissions,
        [roles.user]: {
            name: roles.user,
            permissions: userPermissions,
        [roles.admin]: {
            name: roles.admin,
            permissions: adminPermissions,

The actual permissions are just a list of Permission objects:

const anonymousPermissions: AnyPermission[] = [

const userPermissions: AnyPermission[] = [

const adminPermissions: AnyPermission[] = [

They define what operations can be executed for a given role and how:

const allowFindPublishedTodosForAnon: Permission<void, Todo[]> = {
    name: "Allow find all todos for anybody",
    operation: findAllTodos,
    policies: [allowAllPolicy()],
    filters: [filterOnlyPublished(), filterCompletedVisibilityForAnon()],

const allowFindPublishedTodosForUser: Permission<void, Todo[]> = {
    name: "Allow find all todos for user",
    operation: findAllTodos,
    policies: [allowAllPolicy()],
    filters: [filterOnlyPublished()],

const allowFindTodosForAdmin: Permission<void, Todo[]> = {
    name: "Allow find all todos for user",
    operation: findAllTodos,
    policies: [allowAllPolicy()],

const allowFindTodoForAnybody: Permission<number, Todo> = {
    name: "Allow find todo for anybody",
    operation: findTodo,
    policies: [allowAllPolicy()],

const allowCompleteTodoForSelf: Permission<Todo, Todo> = {
    name: "Allow complete todo for self",
    operation: completeTodo,
    policies: [allowForSelfPolicy()],

const allowDeleteTodoForSelf: Permission<Todo, void> = {
    name: "Allow delete todo for self",
    operation: deleteTodo,
    policies: [allowForSelfPolicy()],

const allowDeleteTodoForAll: Permission<Todo, void> = {
    name: "Allow delete todo for all",
    operation: deleteTodo,
    policies: [allowAllPolicy()],

This looks rather straightforward, but we haven’t taken a look at how policies and filters can be implemented. We don’t have many, but there are some very interesting use cases.

allowAllPolicy might be the simplest one:

const allowAllPolicy = <I> (context: Context<I>) => TE.right(context);

It is just a pass-through, it will allow the operation for everybody.

allowForSelf is a bit more elaborate:

const allowForSelfPolicy = (context: Context<I>) => {
        const { user, data } = context;
        if (user.id === data.owner.id) {
            return TE.right(context);
        } else {
            return TE.left(new MissingPermissionError());

What it does is that it checks the owner of the data against the user that’s trying to execute the operation and will only allow it if they are the same.

filterOnlyPublished is a Filter:

const filterOnlyPublished = () => (context: Context<Todo[]>) => {
    const { data } = context;
    return TE.right({
        data: data.filter((d) => {
            return pipe(
                O.sequenceArray([d.published, O.some(true)]),
                O.map(([a, b]) => a === b),
                    () => false,
                    (x) => x

The pipe function calls the functions in sequence and feeds the result of the previous one into the next. It is the same as if we were calling O.fold(O.map(O.sequenceArray(...))).

It will take a look at the output of the Operation and will filter out all entries that aren’t published yet.

What’s interesting to note here is that the fields of the Todo are “lifted” into an Option. What this means is that they are not plain primitive values, but they are wrapped in a context. Option is a context that repesents the possibility of a value being None.

In order to work with this effectively we need to use the sequencing operations of fp-ts (sequenceArray in this case). What it does is that it unwraps all the values from the Options and presents them in a single array.

Similar to how map works in plain old javascript, the callback we give to O.map will only be called if there are values to check (The Option is not a none).

We use fold to unwrap the result of the mapping. If it is a none we’ll return false, otherwise we’ll return the value.

Now let’s see why we needed these Options in the first place! It is for filtering within the Todo itself:

const filterCompletedVisibilityForAnon = () => (context: Context<Todo[]>) => {
    const { data } = context;
    return TE.right({
        data: data.map((d) => {
            return {
                id: d.id,
                owner: d.owner,
                description: d.description,
                completed: O.none,
                published: d.published,

What filterCompletedVisibilityForAnon does is maps all the Todos and sets the completed field to none (hides it).

Why didn’t we use simple nulls or undefined? The reason is that it is often hard to tell (or impossible) why a field’s value is null or undefined. none on the other hand explicitly states that the field is none. It wasn’t improperly loaded from the database for example. With this pattern we can avoid a whole category of possible bug sources.

Putting it All Together

Now we have everything in place to execute actual operations that are authorized! Let’s see how this works in practice!

Find All

For this we’ll authorize the findAll operation:

const authorizedFindAll = authorize(findAllTodos, authorization);

const anonContext: Context<number> = {
    user: anonUser,
    data: 1,

const result = authorizedFindAll(
    TE.right({ user: anonUser, data: undefined })

Here result will be:

        "id": 1,
        "owner": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "roles": ["user"]
        "description": {
            "_tag": "Some",
            "value": "Learn TypeScript"
        "completed": {
            "_tag": "None"
        "published": {
            "_tag": "Some",
            "value": true
        "id": 3,
        "owner": {
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Bob Doe",
            "roles": ["admin"]
        "description": {
            "_tag": "Some",
            "value": "Create a typeclass"
        "completed": {
            "_tag": "None"
        "published": {
            "_tag": "Some",
            "value": true

Note that the completed field is none because the user is anonymous.

Unauthorized Deletion

Now let’s try to perform a delete as an anon user:

const authorizedFind = authorize(findTodo, authorization);
const authorizedDelete = authorize(deleteTodo, authorization);


The result will be an AuthorizationError because the user is anonymous.

Note that these operations line up nicely because of the shape of the AuthorizedOperation. The result of authorizedFind can be fed into authorizedDelete. We can kick off the pipe with a TE.right of the anonContext.

If we used another context object:

const janesContext: Context<number> = {
    user: userJane,
    data: 2,

then the result would have been undefined (success) becuase the Todo with the id 2 is owned by Jane.


Congratulations! You’ve learned how to create a simple authorization system for your application. Feel free to leave comments below if you have any questions or want to share your own ideas.

Now let’s, go forth and kode on!