Let's go functional?

This article is part of a series.


In this post we’re going to take a look at why we chose FP tools (like fp-ts and io-ts) for Content Gateway and why its pros outweighs the cons.

I’ve been thinking a lot about functional programming in the last few years and I’ve also contributed to some FP libraries as well. My main goal with all of this was to determine whether the hype around this topic is warranted or not. After working on programs using the functional paradigm in the last few years I concluded that the answer to that questions is the usual “It depends”.

There are people out there who will try to sell FP as a panacea and a solution for all your problems, but I think that - as with many other things - you’ll have to find the right balance between FP and OOP (or whatever else) for your own problem. I’ve seen projects go all in on FP just to go down in flames after the only contributor that really understood what a ReaderTaskEither was left the project. I’ve also seen places where they were using just OOP and the codebase was full of brittle inheritance structures that would make your eyes water if you took a look at them.

I think a better way is to be open and pick the right tool for the job. In other words pragmatism beats purism when you want to ship actual products. Therefore the last thing I want to see on anybody’s resume who wants to join the project I’m working on is a sentence like “I’m a X programmer”. Some people even go so far as to say that they are ember.js programmers. Why? Just to cite a classic:

The more labels you have for yourself, the dumber they make you.

So without further ado, let’s see why we chose to go functional use some FP tools on the project.

The Elephant in the Room

Most of you probably know that Javascript has some design flaws that mostly come from the very simplistic design choices that were made when the language was first created. I’m not here to bash Javascript, but it is a fact that it carries some baggage from the olden days.

What’s more problematic is that unlike Python for example Javascript doesn’t have clear coding standards or best practices. In this sense it is very much like Scala where you can put two JS (or Scala) devs on a project and they probably won’t agree on how to do x. There are problems that you face every day and having some framework (not necessarily expressed in code, but more like a set of best practices) goes a long way in helping you have a consistent codebase.

Maybe this is the reason why many projects choose to use an actual framework. While this looks like a good idea on the surface, the problem with them is that they mostly use arbitrary coding standards. If you learn how to use framework x, you probably can’t apply it to framework y… in fact there is a fairly good chance that a best practice in x is an antipattern in y. 🤷‍♂️ Another issue is that by choosing x you really have to understand the thought process of some developer who dreamed up x in the first place. Are they really that good at what they do? Can they design something that will work for their users in the long run?

This is where FP comes into the picture. It has its roots in mathematics, and no matter what language you use you’ll see the same constructs (and mostly the same names). What’s even better is that there is usually only one way to do something and if you try to do it some other way you’ll end up with horrible terrible code. The literature on FP is also very good, if you really want to learn it you can do it.

The technique itself is a bit restrictive, but not too restrictive, you can still apply it to almost anything.

📗 One example where it didn’t work for me is recursive data processing. I know that there are FP constructs to do that but my library of choice didn’t have support. 😒

📙 If you ever encounter something that you can’t solve with FP (or it is really hard to do) then just don’t do it. As Rich Hickey said once: no one cares about what happens in your function as long as it doesn’t break the outside world and it adheres to its contract (input / output). What this means in practice is that if you think that expressing something would be an excruciating task, but you still have to return that Either than just wrap the whole thing in a tryCatch and write it in a way that you see fit.

In FP there are two basic constructs: functions and wrappers. Functions express your domain logic and wrappers express cross-cutting concerns.

📗 I intentionally used the word “wrapper” here. I’m not a big fan of using fancy technical terms when something simpler would get the message across for more people.

These functions are usually chained together to form a composite operation. What this usually means is that the result of a function is piped into the next function:


This pattern is so common that there is a function that makes this much more readable:

pipe(first(x), second)

There, you have it! FP in a nutshell.

I’m just kidding. 👀

The function parts and the piping is probably easy to understand but what the heck did I mean by “wrappers”? Let’s take a look at some examples where using FP is probably a good choice, to explain them!

FP: the Good Parts

Error Handling

One of the major problems in Javascript (and as an extension in Typescript) is that whenever you use try/catch the error you get is of type unknown. This means that you’ll have to go through the painful process of trying to figure out what kind of error you received.

Another problem with error handling in JS is that it breaks the control flow.

📗 Fun fact: I knew an architect who used this “feature” of exceptions to implement goto in Java. I still thank whatever higher power there is every day for not making me work on that codebase!

So what can we do to fix this? Luckily for us, our FP library of choice (fp-ts) has a way to deal with this problem with a construct called Either.

📗 Even though learning all these arcane names might be daunting at first, at some point you’ll realize that you only have to learn it once. If you choose to go and learn Kotlin for example and start using Arrow you’ll see that they have the (more or less) same nomenclature! The reason for this is that they are both rooted in the same mathematical constructs.

Either is one of those wrappers I mentioned that are there to solve cross-cutting concerns. This concern in our case is error handling. We already know that FP is all about creating pipelines that are compositions of functions expressing our domain logic, with some wrappers sprinkled on top. Either lets us capture error states in our program. Let’s see how it works. This is how a classic try/catch looks like in Typescript:

export const someOperation = () => {
    try {
        throw Error("x");
    } catch (e: unknown) {
        console.error("Oh no.", e);

Here we capture all error states in catch. We can also see the type problem (e is of type unknown) that we’re trying to address. So what happens if we just rethrow?

export const someOperation = () => {
    try {
        throw Error("x");
    } catch (e: unknown) {
        console.error("Oh no.", e);
        throw new Error("Can't perform some operation.");

What will happen is that whoever calls someOperation will have a chance to get an Error and we have no way of signaling that this is a possibility! Let’s see how Either helps us:

// 👇 it is common to import Either like this so that we can use all operations it provides
import * as E from "fp-ts/Either";

export const someOperation = (): E.Either<Error, void> => {
    return E.tryCatch(
        () => {
            throw Error("x");
        (e: unknown) => {
            console.error("Oops!", e);
            return new Error("Can't perform some operation.");

As you can see, instead of not returning anything (implicitly returning void) now we return Either<Error, void>. This is why I called this a wrapper. It wraps our void and adds some extra functionality on top. In our case it encodes the possible error states of a synchronous operation. There is also a semantic purpose of Either. If you follow the best practices and your users are also familiar with what an Either is you can be sure that a function that returns an Either will never throw!

A Note on Purity

If you’ve been using FP for a while you might say that Oh no! You did a side effect! Heresy!. I think this is a common mistake one can make when using FP. The “side effect” here is the console.error statement. It performs an IO operation (writes to the console). In FP IO (or any other side effect) shouldn’t be performed like this.

I think this is nonsense and this is the line I draw in the sand when I try to balance efficiency and purity. I trust myself and I also trust the developers I work with to know what can be safely done and what can’t. We have code reviews for a reason.

So from now on you’ll see some heresies like this, but know that the reason I’m not doing it the “pure” way is that I think the cons of going “all the way” greatly outweigh the benefits. After all this article is about my personal opinions on how to work effectively with FP constructs, and not a scholarly article.

Now we have an idea why these wrappers are useful and why they help with establishing useful semantic patterns within our application.

📗 Since this article is a hands-on introduction I’m not going into detail with regards to typeclasses, monads, and all the good stuff you’ll probably hear about elsewhere. If you’re interested I’ll share some links at the end! 👀

Now let’s move on to our next topic… 👀

Error Handling the Right Way

We’ve seen how to use an Either instead of a try/catch to handle error states. But what if we don’t have a try/catch, but the error state comes from something else? A good example is validation. Let’s see how to create Eithers by hand by writing a small validator function:

export const validateLength = (
    value: string,
    min: number,
    max: number
): string => {
    if (value.length < min) {
        throw new Error(`Must be at least ${min} characters long`);
    if (value.length > max) {
        throw new Error(`Must be at most ${max} characters long`);
    return value;

This function takes a string and some constraints and returns the string unless it is invalid. In that case we get an Error. We’ve already discussed why the built-in error handling is problematic, so let’s see how we can use Either to solve this problem.

First of all we’re going to need to modify the signature:

import * as E from "fp-ts/Either";

export const validateLength = (
    value: string,
    min: number,
    max: number
): E.Either<Error, string> => {
    if (value.length < min) {
        throw new Error(`Must be at least ${min} characters long`);
    if (value.length > max) {
        throw new Error(`Must be at most ${max} characters long`);
    return value;

Either has some constructors that you can use to create instances of it. The error state is created by left, and the happy case is created by right. We’re also going to lose the throw as we’ll wrap the errors instead:

import * as E from "fp-ts/Either";

export const validateLength = (
    value: string,
    min: number,
    max: number
): E.Either<Error, string> => {
    if (value.length < min) {
        return E.left(new Error(`Must be at least ${min} characters long`));
    if (value.length > max) {
        return E.left(new Error(`Must be at most ${max} characters long`));
    return E.right(value);

There you go. This operation will never throw, and the semantics are also clear. Now you see why we imported Either with the import * as E syntax: because we need not just the type, but the constructors too.

We’ve covered most operations that you will use in your day-to-day. There is more, but we’ll cover them in the next article.

Error Types

If you’ve been paying attention you might be wondering now: “Ok, I get it, but we still have Errors. How is this better than an unknown? I still have to do the type checking!”. There is a solution for that: discriminated unions. Explaining the concept is out of scope for this article but the gist of it is that if you have a field in a type that will have an unique value for each subtype of that type, then you can use it to discriminate between the subtypes. This field is usually called a _tag. So for example:

export interface ProgramError {
    _tag: string;
    message: string;

this can serve as a good base for a discriminated union. Now we can have a base class for all our errors for example:

export abstract class ProgramErrorBase<T extends string>
    extends Error
    implements ProgramError
    public _tag: T;
    public message: string;

    constructor(params: {
        _tag: T;
        message: string;
    }) {
        this._tag = params._tag;
        this.message = params.message;

which makes creating Errors a breeze:

export class SchemaValidationError extends ProgramErrorBase<"SchemaValidationError"> {
    constructor() {
            _tag: "SchemaValidationError",
            message: `Schema validation failed`

With this we can put the concrete error type(s) in our Eithers:

import * as E from "fp-ts/Either";

export const validateLength = (
    value: string,
    min: number,
    max: number
): E.Either<StringTooShortError | StringTooLongError, string> => {
    if (value.length < min) {
        return E.left(new StringTooShortError(`Must be at least ${min} characters long`));
    if (value.length > max) {
        return E.left(new StringTooLongError(`Must be at most ${max} characters long`));
    return E.right(value);

that can be checked exhaustively:

export const someOperation = () => {
    const result = validateLength("hey", 1, 10);
    if (E.isLeft(result)) {
        let msg: string;
        const tag = result.left._tag;
        switch(tag) {
            case "StringTooShortError":
                msg = "String too short";
            case "StringTooLongError":
                msg = "String too long";
    } else {

If you remove the case "StringTooLongError": branch you’ll get a compile error: Variable 'msg' is used before being assigned. 💪

So what if you don’t use things like msg? How can you be sure that your check is exhaustive? That’s an absurd question. Literally:

const tag = result.left._tag;
switch (tag) {
    case "StringTooShortError":
        console.log("String too short.");

👆 This will compile, but we can use a function that will make it fail:

import { absurd } from "fp-ts/lib/function";

const tag = result.left._tag;
switch (tag) {
    case "StringTooShortError":
        console.log("String too short.");
        // 👆 Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'

The only way to make this compile is to be exhaustive:

const tag = result.left._tag;
switch (tag) {
    case "StringTooShortError":
        console.log("String too short.");
    case "StringTooLongError":
        console.log("String too long.");

Not so absurd after all! 👀

Asynchronous Programming

Either is only one of many components and if you want to have a more complete toolbox you’ll need to dig a bit deeper. Let’s think about something else that’s also notoriously difficult to use properly: async/await (aka: Promises). As James Snell outlines in his talk, if you have performance problems in Javascript it is highly likely that they have something to do with Promises.

So what is a Promise? It is a construct that represents a value that will be available at some point in the future.

📗 It sounds like a cross-cutting concern that can be expressed by a wrapper isn’ it?

Before Promises the way we represented this was to use callbacks and Trampolines. Javascript is still a language that’s single-threaded, so

📗 I know there are workers, but they are nowhere as useful as Threads in Java for example.

we need a way to do away with all the complexity of these old constructs (and also the callback hell). The problem is that it is very easy to go wrong. When do I use the async keyword? What happens if I throw in an async function? When do I call Promise.resolve? When do I reject? What happens if I do so? Questions, questions. What’s also not helpful is that we can mix and match the then + catch and the async + await syntax. We’re facing the same kind of problem as with error handling: there is no “best practice” to follow or agreed-on semantics that everybody uses the same way.

Thankfully we have some wrappers that help with this. Enter the Task. If we take a look at the definition of a Task:

export interface Task<A> {
  (): Promise<A>

it is just a function that returns a Promise. This is how you can create a task:

import * as T from "fp-ts/Task";

const loadData = (): T.Task<string> => {
    return T.of("data");

So…why would you do that? Again, it is semantics. The above code is technically equivalent to doing this:

const loadData = (): Promise<string> => {
    return Promise.resolve("data");

But whenever you see a Task you can expect a few things.

  • A Task represents an asynchronous operation.
  • A Task will never fail.

So if something returns one you won’t have to care about error handling. For example the parseInt is a function that will never fail. The worst case is that you’ll get a NaN.

So what if I have an operation that might fail, but I still want to represent it with a Task? Well, you can use a try/catch block and return a result based on the outcome:

import * as T from "fp-ts/Task";

const loadData = (): T.Task<string> => {
    try {
        return T.of("data");
    } catch (e) {
        return T.of("error");

Asynchronous Operations That Can Fail

You might already say “Wait a second, isn’t this something that can be done with Either?” and you are right. We have a wrapper that combines an asynchronous operation with error handling, the TaskEither. It is a construct that represents an asynchronous operation that can fail. Let’s say that you have something like this:

export const loadData = async () => {
    const result = await fetch("/api/data");
    if (result.status === 200) {
        return result.json();
    } else {
        throw new Error("Failed to load data");

There are a couple of problems here. First, the fetch call might fail. We don’t handle that here. Second we also throw our own Errors in case the status was 200. This is a mess. How can we improve on this? TaskEither to the rescue!

import * as TE from "fp-ts/TaskEither";
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/function";

export const loadData = (): TE.TaskEither<Error, string> => {
    return pipe(
            () => fetch("/api/data"),
            (e) => new Error(`Failed to load data: ${e}`)
        TE.chain((result) => {
            if (result.status === 200) {
                return TE.tryCatch(
                    () => result.json(),
                    (e) => new Error(`Json conversion failed: ${e}`)
            } else {
                return TE.left(new Error("Failed to load data"));

Wait a second! What’s going on here? As it turns out there was another case that we didn’t handle in the previous implementation: the possible error states of the result.json() call! This is something that happens very often with Javascript and sometimes with Typescript when we use type inference. We thought that we were returning a string, but in fact we were returning a Promise<string>!

With TaskEither we can’t accidentally return the wrong type because the compiler will scream at us much earlier.

Also…what’s this pipe thing? Let’s unwrap what we see in the code above:

    () => fetch("/api/data"),
    (e) => new Error(`Failed to load data: ${e}`)

👆 This is the same as E.tryCatch, but it will return a TaskEither (asynchronous operation that can fail) instead of an Either.

pipe is a function that lets us thread functions together (the same as the Proposed Pipe Operator). What it does is that it evaluates the first parameter, and passes it to the function in the second parameter, and so on. So for example with this:

    (x) => x + 1,

We’ll get 2 as a result because the 1 was passed to the function in the second parameter.

If you decide to give this approach a try you’ll use pipe all the time.

📗 Note that there are similar functions like flow, but we don’t cover them here. Maybe later in another article.

So what’s the deal with the TE.chain? The thing is that we want to return a TaskEither, but we need to perform some transformations on the initial one. For example what we do in the code is;

  • call /api/data
  • deal with its errors
  • check if the result is 200
  • deal with it if it is not
  • transform the result into a json string
  • deal with its errors

The problem is that the first operation (calling /api/data) will return a Promise, and extracting the json does the same. We want the result of the first to be fed into the next one. In other words we want to unwrap the first one and rewrap it into another one. This is what TE.chain does. It unwraps the value that’s wrapped with the TaskEither and lets us rewrap it in any way we see fit.

The equivalent of the above code in the “old way” would be:

export const loadData = (): Promise<string> => {
    return fetch("/api/data")
        .then((result) => {
            if (result.status === 200) {
                return result.json().catch((e) => {
                    throw new Error(`Json conversion failed: ${e}`);
            } else {
                throw new Error("Failed to load data");
        .catch((e) => {
            throw new Error(`Failed to load data: ${e}`);

The difference between the two is that instead of having a Promise that might reject we clearly express our intent. The amount of code we’ve written is more or less the same, but we no longer have the cognitive burden of having to think about Promise rejections within the function and we know exactly what can go wrong outside of the function.

📗 Note that we didn’t use specific error types here for simplicity’s sake.


There other wrappers that you might see in other codebases, but some of them are dangerous. The two that you might see the most is Option and TaskOption. Option represents an operation that might return a value:

const findUser = (id: number): O.Option<User> => {
    return O.fromNullable(users.find((u) => u.id === id));

If users.find was an asynchronous operation we could use TaskOption instead:

import * as TO from "fp-ts/TaskOption";

const findUser = (id: number): TO.TaskOption<User> => {
    return TO.fromNullable(userRepository.find(id));

The problem with Option is that it is isomorphic with simple nullable types:

const findUser = (id: number): User | null => {
    return users.find((u) => u.id === id);

It adds no extra information about why the value wasn’t present, but it adds complexity. The same stands for TaskOption. Why TaskOption is even worse is that you can do this:

import * as TO from "fp-ts/TaskOption";

const findUser = (id: number): TO.TaskOption<User> => {
    return TO.tryCatch(userRepository.find(id));

What happens if there is an error when calling userRepository.find? TO.tryCatch will just swallow it and you’ll be none the wiser.


This is why I try to stay away from using either of those.


We’ve already seen the usage of the pipe function with TaskEither but it was a simple case: TaskEither went in, and another TaskEither came out.

There are some problems that you’ll inevitably face when working with pipes so we’re going to take a look at some of them now.

📗 There are some more complex cases that we’ll cover in the next article.


Let’s say that we have an operation that rewraps an Either to another one:

export const loadData = (): E.Either<Error, string> => {
    return pipe(
        E.tryCatch(() => {
            return fetchData();
        }, (e) => new Error(`It didn't work: ${e}`)),
        E.chain((result) => {
            return E.right(result + "ok");

📙 E.chain will only be called when the previous Either is a Right. Errors short-circuit the chain so you’ll never have to deal with them in a chain or a map call.

As you can see all we do in the chain call is to transform the result. In these cases we can simplify this to a map call:

    E.tryCatch(() => {
        return fetchData();
    }, (e) => new Error(`It didn't work: ${e}`)),
    E.map((result) => {
        return result + "ok";

map rewraps the Either for us and it takes a function that will calculate the next Right value for us.

Rewrapping Errors

What happens a lot is that we need to deal with errors produced by others. For example what happens if we get an Either but its Left value is not an Error that has a discriminator field? We can use mapLeft in this case:

    E.mapLeft((e) => new MyDiscriminatedError(`Failed to fetch data: ${e}`)),

If we take a look at what type will this produce:

const result: E.Either<MyDiscriminatedError, string> =  pipe(
    E.mapLeft((e) => new MyDiscriminatedError(`Failed to fetch data: ${e}`)),

we’ll see that the Error is gone.

A Note on Debugging

It will often happen that you write a nice pipe and it doesn’t return the type that you expected. This can be extremely frustrating especially if you have a very complex pipe. There is something that you can do that will help you preserve your sanity. Let’s take a look at some code:

    E.mapLeft((e) => new MyDiscriminatedError(`Failed to fetch data: ${e}`)),
    E.map((result) => {
        return result + "ok";

If we assign this to a variable VS Code will show us the type of the variable so we can easily specify it and we’ll be able to see what’s wrong. What also helps is to just comment the individual parameters to pipe and see what the types are:

Step 1:

const result: E.Either<Error, never> = pipe(
    // E.mapLeft(
    //     (e) => new MyDiscriminatedError(`Failed to fetch data: ${e}`)
    // ),
    // E.map((result) => {
    //     return result + "ok";
    // })

Step 2:

const result: E.Either<MyDiscriminatedError, never> = pipe(
        (e) => new MyDiscriminatedError(`Failed to fetch data: ${e}`)
    // E.map((result) => {
    //     return result + "ok";
    // })

Step 3:

const result: E.Either<MyDiscriminatedError, string> = pipe(
        (e) => new MyDiscriminatedError(`Failed to fetch data: ${e}`)
    E.map((result) => {
        return result + "ok";

👆 With this simple technique you’ll be able to prevent a lot of the frustration that you would otherwise have to endure.

Transforming Wrappers

The thing with pipe is that the output of an operation has to align with the input of the next operation. So for example if we have an Either, but we have to return a TaskEither what can we do? Let’s take a look at some of the constructors that we can use in these cases.

Let’s say that fetchData returns an Option instead of an Either:

const fetchData = () => O.of("data");

If we wanted an Either we can use E.fromOption:

export const loadData = (): E.Either<Error, string> => {
    return pipe(
        E.fromOption(() => new Error("Failed to load data")),

📗 TE.fromTaskOption works the same way.

This will treat None as an error and Some as a Right.

📗 Some of these from* operations will need some additional parameters to be able to properly change the semantics of the previous wrapper. In the case of Option -> Either for example we need to supply a function that will handle the left case which is not represented by Option.

Creating a Task is rather simple, but how can we create a TaskEither out of it? It is super simple:


“Why don’t we have to supply any parameters?” you might ask. That’s because fromTask will simply treat the rejection as an error.

TE.fromEither works in the same way: it will just promisify the Either, so no extra parameters are needed.

Ok, we’ve covered the basics, but what happens if I want to chain an Either but I also want to introduce a new error case? Let’s see:

const fetchData = (): E.Either<FetchFailedError, string> => {
    return E.right("data");

export const loadData = (): E.Either<FetchFailedError, string> => {
    return pipe(
        E.chain((data) => {
            if (data !== "data") {
                return E.left(new DataInvalidError());
            } else {
                return E.right(data);

I will get a rather lengthy error message babbling something about things not being assignable. Adding the new Error type to the function signature doesn’t help either:

export const loadData = (): E.Either<FetchFailedError | DataInvalidError, string> => {
    // ...

So what’s the problem? It is the chain! It expects the Either to preserve its shape (generic type parameters). This is the case when we need to widen the type. The function that lets us do this is chainW (chain widen):

export const loadData = (): E.Either<FetchFailedError | DataInvalidError, string> => {
    return pipe(
        E.chainW((data) => {
            if (data !== "data") {
                return E.left(new DataInvalidError());
            } else {
                return E.right(data);

Now the compiler error is gone.

📗 We’ll see some more of the weird Hungarian notation later down the road. There aren’t a lot of them, but unfortunately this is something we have to live with.


We’ve learned that what FP brings to the table apart from some arcane naming conventions is a very consistent way of thinking about problems. Now we know how to mix our domain logic with wrappers that handle cross-cutting concerns and how to use them as buliding blocks to create pipelines. There are much more FP concepts that we haven’t covered yet, but we’ll get there.

The takeaway from all of this is that FP is just a tool that you can employ to solve some of your problems. You don’t have to go all the way and delete all your classes to start taking advantage of what this technique brings to the table. You can just sprinkle it on your codebase where applicable and enjoy the benefits of having clear semantics and more robust code. It also lets us think about our use cases in a more fundamental way: as functions that we can compose with each other. This is a powerful technique that is often overlooked especially if someone comes from an OOP background.

In the next article we’ll look at some more advanced concepts so stay tuned!

Until then, let’s go forth and kode on!